
RainingMecha's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 3,306 (From 425 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 57,630 Points

Acid Panic: Turbo

Medals Earned: 4/5 (200/225 points)

Acid Apprentice 25 Points

Earn 250 Points

Acid Afficianado 50 Points

Earn 500 Points

Acid Ace 100 Points

Earn 1,000 Points

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/85 points)

I put on my scarf and astro suit. 5 Points

Complete the first level.

Dear diary, I haven't touched myself in a long while. 5 Points

Complete the game.

Houston, we'll have had a problem. 10 Points

Complete the second level.

I counted to hundred, slowly, using binary notation. 10 Points

Complete the third level.

I like trains. 25 Points

Complete the fourth level.

Rock around the clock. 25 Points

Complete the final level.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Adrellia Village #40: SE

Medals Earned: 3/8 (20/130 points)

Mission 1, Level 1 5 Points

You got past the first level.

You Lose! 5 Points

Loser! You're a loser! Are you feeling sorry for yourself? Well you should be cause you are dirt! You make me sick, you big baby!

Mission 1, Level 2 10 Points

You got past the 2nd level!

The Moon 5 Points

Those circles and Flash 8 filters are beautiful, I tell ya!

Mission 1, Level 3 25 Points

Congratulations for getting past the 3rd level!

Mission 1, Level 4 25 Points

Beat the fourth level of your very first mission!

You Win! 50 Points

You won the game! And endured all of its annoying resets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Adventure Plane

Medals Earned: 1/6 (10/260 points)

Level 1 10 Points

Complete level 1!

Level 2 25 Points

Complete level 2!

Level 3 25 Points

Complete level 3!

Level 4 50 Points

Complete level 4!

Level 5 50 Points

Complete level 5!

Level 6 100 Points

Complete level 6!

Adversity Weapon Pack

Medals Earned: 11/11 (430/430 points)

Aggressor I 10 Points

Fire a weapon 10 times.

Reloader I 10 Points

Reload a weapon 5 times.

Stealth 10 Points

Fire a silenced weapon 25 times.

Animator 25 Points

Create a custom timeline sequence.

Item Collector 25 Points

View all equipment items.

Minimalist 25 Points

Disable all effects.

Weapons Dealer 25 Points

View every firearm.

Aggressor II 50 Points

Fire a weapon 100 times.

Reloader II 50 Points

Reload a weapon 25 times.

Aggressor III 100 Points

Fire a weapon 500 times.

Reloader III 100 Points

Reload a weapon 50 times.

Africa Dudes

Medals Earned: 3/3 (175/175 points)

There 25 Points

Sit there, shut up, and watch the entire thing...ALL THE WAY TO THE BITTER END.

There and Black Again 50 Points

Watch Africa Dudes twice in a row, black to black! (Without re-loading your window!)


Yeah, you're gonna sit there and watch it again - AND THIS TIME, YOU BETTER LOVE IT.

Aim for the moon

Medals Earned: 15/15 (485/485 points)

Armageddon mockery 10 Points

Destroy 100 meteors in one game

Birdwatcher 10 Points

Get carried by 10 storks in one game

Cloudsurfer 10 Points

Hit 100 clouds in one game

Fare dodger 10 Points

Get hit by 5 planes in one game

Someone warn NASA 10 Points

Discover a UFO

Starkid 10 Points

Hop on 100 stars in one game

A strong back-up plan 25 Points

Have 20 balloons available

Greed 25 Points

Upgrade the coin magnet to it's maximum

Let's speed this up 25 Points

Have 5 balloons in your hand

Rich man 25 Points

Own 3000 coins

Welcome back 25 Points

Start the game a second time

Bronze 50 Points

Score 220000 in survival mode

Silver 50 Points

Score 250000 in survival mode

Dreamcatcher 100 Points

Reach the moon

Gold 100 Points

Score 280000 in survival mode

Airborne Wars

Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/485 points)

Basic Tactics 5 Points

Complete Basic Tactics

Air Defence 5 Points

Complete Air Defence

Airborne Tactics 5 Points

Complete Airborne tactics

Defence Tactics 5 Points

Complete Defence Tactics

Fast Decision 10 Points

Complete Fast Decision

First Encounter 10 Points

Complete First Encounter

Retreat 10 Points

Complete Retreat

Sharp Assault 10 Points

Complete Sharp Assault

Air Domination 25 Points

Complete Air Domination

Breath of Air 25 Points

Complete Breath of Air

Crossfire 25 Points

Complete Crossfire

Desert Rush 25 Points

Complete Desert Rush

Desert Town 25 Points

Complete Desert Town

Duel 25 Points

Complete Duel

Hard Road 25 Points

Complete Hard Road

Infiltration 25 Points

Complete Infiltration

Oasis 25 Points

Complete Oasis

Bloody Canyon 50 Points

Complete Bloody Canyon

The Only Chance 50 Points

Complete the Only Chance

Break Point 100 Points

Complete Break Point

Alien Thief

Medals Earned: 1/10 (10/495 points)

Rookie 10 Points

First level Completed

No pains, no gains 10 Points

Lose 20 lives

Rich Alien 25 Points

Collect 50 stars

Cow Savior 50 Points

Level 15 Completed

Explorer 50 Points

Find a hidden place

Pilot 50 Points

Level 12 Completed

Stupid cows 50 Points

Have 20 cows killed

Super Star 50 Points

Win over 5000 score points

ACE 100 Points

Complete all levels

I'm Wealthy 100 Points

Collect 200 stars

Alkie Kong 2

Medals Earned: 4/16 (45/500 points)

Rick Rolled 5 Points

View the entire end-game movie.

Worship the Mighty 5 Points

View the high scores.

Great Listener 10 Points

Do not skip any of Max's speeches.

Code Breaker 25 Points

Enter the super secret level code.

Six Pack 5 Points

Find 6 bottles.

Beerbot Smash 25 Points

Beat Alkie Kong without taking damage on Stage 15.

Boxed Up 25 Points

Beat Alkie Kong without taking damage on Stage 12.

Great Defender 25 Points

Beat Alkie Kong without taking damage on Stage 3.

Half Case 25 Points

Find 12 Bottles.

Switch Off 25 Points

Beat Alkie Kong without taking damage on Stage 9.

Vertigo 25 Points

Beat Alkie Kong without taking damage on Stage 6.

Bat Crazy 50 Points

Beat the game on any mode without hurting any bats.

Full Case 50 Points

Find 24 bottles.

Olympian 50 Points

Beat the game without dying on normal mode.

Survivalist 50 Points

Beat the game without dying on easy mode.

Drunken Deity 100 Points

Beat the game without dying on brutal mode.